Intravenous (IV) Therapy - Feel Revitalized and Refreshed
feel revitalized and Refereshed

get ready to take on the world

IV therapy is the perfect way to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Through intravenous injections of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, Dr. Cole can help you reach your goals in no time. Whether you’re looking to improve your energy levels, boost immunity, or even cure hangovers – IV therapy has got you covered!

Get “take over the world” ready

with one of these IV Treatments

Migraine Fix

If you’re looking for a modern, innovative solution to your suffering, Migraine Fix has got you covered. Our cutting-edge IV therapy offers fast relief from migraine pain, so you can get back to living your life. With our unique blend of IV fluids, vitamins, electrolytes, anti-inflammatories, minerals, and anti-nausea medicines, you’ll experience improved well-being in no time.

Ingredients: Magnesium, Toradol (anti-inflammatory and pain relief), Reglan (anti-nausea, promotes gut motility), Benadryl (antihistamine), Zofran (anti-nausea)

Allergy Relief

Tired of sneezing and wheezing when the pollen count rises? Well, now, there’s a surefire way to get allergy relief: IV therapy. This powerful blend of specially formulated IV fluids, vitamins, and anti-inflammatories works quickly to relieve symptoms. You don’t have to suffer through a day of watery eyes, sniffles, and sneezing fits any longer. With Allergy Relief IV therapy, you can reclaim your life and focus on feeling good again!

Ingredients: Vitamin C, Decadron (corticosteroid anti-inflammatory), Toradol (anti-inflammatory and pain relief)

Immunity Builder

Need some extra pep in your step? Our Immunity Builder IV infusion is the perfect solution! Get ready to energize your body and revitalize your immune system with our powerful blend of essential nutrients. Combining IV fluids, vitamins, and minerals, our Immunity Builder provides you with everything you need for a healthier lifestyle. Perfect for overcoming sickness, before and after traveling, or just for a general boost of energy — Immunity Builder will get you back on your feet in no time!

ingredients: Vitamin C, Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin B12, Folate

Hangover Helper

Are you looking for a safe and effective way to rid your body of the dreaded “morning after” feeling? Look no further — Hangover Helper is here. This special blend of IV fluids, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, anti-inflammatories, and medications helps you get back on track quickly so you can enjoy your favorite activities without feeling sluggish and fatigued. Get ready to take on your day with a newfound focus and clarity — all thanks to the Hangover Helper!

Ingredients: Vitamin B-Complex, Toradol (anti-inflammatory and pain relief), Pepcid (antihistamine and antacid), Zofran (anti-nausea), Folate

Performance Enhancer

Looking to take your athletic performance to the next level? Performance Enhancer is here! This IV therapy treatment was designed to help athletes reach peak performance faster. Our blend of IV fluids, vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatories will quickly replenish and rehydrate your body with lost nutrients and reduce downtime during recovery. With our treatment, you’ll be able to increase your energy and mental clarity, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy skin and tissue repair.

Ingredients: Vitamin C, Decadron (corticosteroid anti-inflammatory), Toradol (anti-inflammatory and pain relief)

Myers Cocktail Hydration

Welcome to Myers Cocktail Hydration: the original IV infusion, designed to provide the best in balance, well-being, and clarity. Since 1974, this product has been the go-to for individuals wishing to take their health and performance up a notch. Experience premier cellular health with an infusion of vitamins, antioxidants, and essential nutrients. You can think of our Myers Cocktail as an improved version of old-fashioned supplements: now it’s easy and hassle-free to quickly restore mental clarity and alertness, plus give your body the support it needs to reach peak efficiency!

Ingredients: Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Calcium